"Can You Please Read This"
After Ghana-born Ziggy Ansah was drafted 5th
overall in this year’s NFL draft, I joked that I was going to find a student
who had potential and make a star out of them. I am not really going to do
this, but if I were going to, I would choose this boy whose name is Nii. He
towers over all of the other students, and looks like he is 18 and not 13. I
could seriously see him starting at middle linebacker on
Nii was laughing before this, and was trying to hold back. |
some lucky football
team somewhere in America. Fortunately, he has other talents in case football
does not work out with him. Nii is pictured here holding up his exercise book,
and the speech that he is so proud of.
does not speak a lot, but he does smile a lot. When he speaks, he has a
surprisingly soft, high-pitched voice. I only taught two lessons this past week
(I will be teaching every day this week), and when I do not teach, I sit in the
back and observe and circulate around the classroom when necessary. I sit in a
chair next to Nii, and he always makes sure it is in the right place and is
cleaned off before I sit.
class began, Nii handed me his exercise book and asked me if I could please
read it. The students were taught how to write a speech the day before, and I
did not really agree with how formulaic it was taught. I did not believe that
students would be able to insert their own voices and put passion into what
they were writing. Nii proved me wrong. The speech topic was: “If you were
speaking in front of the PTA, what would you tell them your school needs?” The
answers to this question were very interesting, and could be an entire story in
wrote that the school could use better shutters on the classroom windows so
that the rain did not ruin the books, Internet access so the students could
pursue further research, and lockers so that nothing was ever stolen out of
students’ bags. His points were all well supported and seemed to be valid, but
what amazed me the most was the voice he used to discuss his points. It was
very clear to see that this is a student who believes what he is writing, and
believes that the school needs what
he is writing about. When I read the end of the essay, I knew that was what he
wanted to show me. This is how Nii ended his speech: “Elders say luck is like
sand in hands. It sneaks through fingers no matter how gripped firmly or held
loosely. Only hands in the prayer posture can save it. Parents, we are pleading
with you to help us and also pray for us, and I think if you help us by helping
provide these, I know God is going to repay you.” I was blown away. The
guidelines for this assignment did not include an analogy or anything of this
sort. I proved to me that despite the rote, often repetitive curriculum,
students here are capable of that higher order thinking and creativity. It just
needs to be unlocked.
told Nii how impressed I was and how good his work was. I commented on all of
the points he made and I told him I loved the analogy. He told me that that is
what his grandmother says to him sometimes. As class moved on, I nearly lost my
cool. My teacher had the students copy the speeches from one notebook to
another so that there were no mistakes. Nii was getting frustrated because he
misspelled a word, and wrote something improperly. He knew that his teacher
would be looking for mistakes like that, and would mark points off, despite
writing a very good speech. Another student, one of the smartest in the class,
was told the he writes his lowercase f poorly, and had to fix it. I am finding
that I am growing more frustrated with things like this than the caning! The
students could be doing such a great job, but that is never acknowledged, and
looked over because of a few mistakes here and there. My teacher tells me that
she will do nothing next week, and will only watch me. I’m hoping that I am
able to praise the students when they have succeeded, and that she may be able
to see their positive reaction and consider teaching in a similar fashion in
the future.
"An Uphill Battle"
I’m teaching metaphor a little bit this week, so I think it
is appropriate for me to be metaphorical here and now. We climbed and climbed
when we were at the Tano Sacred Grove this past weekend, and although we did
not stand up on the highest rock and stay there for hours, I felt like the
world paused for a little and allowed me to think. I think too much probably,
but I like to reflect and I feel like it is healthy. One thing I came up with
while we were climbing was that education is always going to be an uphill
battle that is not easy, and will never be easy.
Saturday, I did not know what I was getting into. It was hot, and I was
sweating. I felt sweat in my eyes, down the small of my back, and running down
my nose as I climbed. I grabbed whatever I could grip, and stepped on anything
that resembled a foothold. After we reached the top of the first formation, I
got a taste of success. Not only had I made it up this far, but also I received
a reward – the beauty of the landscape in front of me. This felt good, and
after, I was ready to continue and keep going. Although I felt good, it only
got harder. The formations seemed a bit steeper and the formations a bit
higher. Again, I felt the doubts and struggled a lot at times, but when I hit
that top rock, I felt like the greatest climber in the world, and when I saw
vast African landscape I wanted more. When I was there, I thought, and I
thought about education and where I was and what I was doing.
I started with education, people told me I was crazy. There aren’t any jobs,
education is going down the tubes, kids are getting worse, standardized testing
is ruining everything, APPR, etc. I heard it all, and it was becoming a little
intimidating. I started, and it still felt a bit crazy. However, once I started
in classrooms and volunteering with certain education groups, everything
clicked. I reached the top of the first rock. I saw everything out in front of
me, how beautiful it was, and how much more there is. From then, I didn’t want
to stop. Now that I’ve actually been into a classroom, created lessons, dealt
with students that are real and unique and breathing, and are not just figments
of my imagination and subjects for mock lessons, I know that it is a struggle
and times and it is difficult. Nothing is ever perfect, despite the perfect
planning. There aren’t always well-defined grips or footholds. The surface is
slick sometimes, and some extra effort may be needed to just stay on course -
not even to reach the top. It takes work and frustration and a lot of effort,
but there is always a payoff. It could be an essay, an answer in class, a nod
of understanding, a high five, a laugh. This is the beautiful landscape that I
look forward to as a teacher.
is a lot bigger than me. I know that I will end up in one school, with only a
fraction of the students in the world. I have seen the landscape and I know
that it is worth all of the work and the struggle. I cannot speak for every
teacher in the world, but I know that I am with nine other teachers that have
seen the landscape and understand. I am confident that there are more like us
and I can’t wait for 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 years from now to see how we have made
a difference.